Payment & Registration

Registration is simple - just create an online account and then select the class you’d like to enroll in. We can’t wait to see you!
Payment Information + Financial Assistance
Payment Methods
We accept Visa, MasterCard, and e-transfer. Credit card payments can be made online through your member profile. For e-transfers, send to info@nvgym.com and include the athlete's name in the memo with the password "Gymnastics."
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance for registration fees is available through Kidsport, A4K, and Jump Start. Apply well in advance, as approval may take up to 2 months. Once approved, send us your approval letter. If funding arrives after the session starts, email us at info@nvgym.com, and we’ll note it on your file. If you've paid in full, we’ll reimburse the covered portion once we receive the funding. Need help with the application? Just let us know!
Registration Policies
Cancellations + Refunds
Withdrawals are accepted within the first 2 weeks of a session, and a refund will be processed if done by the withdrawal deadline. After that, refunds are only available for medical reasons, with a doctor’s note required. A $25 fee applies to all withdrawals, including medical. Refunds will be issued to your credit card or by cheque if paid via e-transfer (cheques are processed at the end of the month). Please note, GymBC insurance fees and credit card processing fees are non-refundable. To withdraw, simply email us at inquiry@nvgym.com.
Late Registration
Late registrations for our CanGym badge programs are accepted based on class availability. Late enrollments will be prorated, meaning you’ll only pay for the remaining classes in the session. Classes for ages 5-and-under have an open registration policy.